The Art of Code – Dylan Beattie

Dylan Beattie – programmer, musician, and creator of the Rockstar programming language – for an entertaining look at the art of code. We’ll look at the origins of programming as an art form, from Conway’s Game of Life to the 1970s demoscene and the earliest Obfuscated C competitions. We’ll learn about esoteric languages and quines – how DO you create a program that prints its own source code? We’ll discover quine relays, code golf and generative art, and we’ll explore the phenomenon of live coding as performance – from the pioneers of electronic music to modern algoraves and live coding platforms like Sonic Pi

A look back at memory models in 16-bit MS-DOS

Viele interessante details:

We called it RAID because it kills bugs dead. The history of defect tracking in the Windows team goes back to Windows 1.0, which used a text file.
After Windows 1.01 released, a bunch of people in the apps division got together and threw together a bug tracking database. Because hey, a database, wouldn’t that be neat?

Zum stöbern alte Geschichten über Windows\Microsoft\

Root-Passwort beim Raspberry Pi ändern

Um das Root-Passwort zu ändern, müssen Sie lediglich die folgenden Schritte durchführen. Sie benötigen allerdings physischen Zugriff auf Ihren Raspberry Pi:

  1. SD-Karte mit dem Betriebssystem entnehmen.
  2. Lesen Sie die Karte mit einem Kartenlesegerät an Ihrem Computer und öffnen Sie den Ordner „Boot“.
  3. Öffnen Sie mit dem Editor die Datei „cmdline.txt“ und fügen Sie am Ende der ersten Zeile den Zusatz „init=/bin/sh“ an.
  4. Anschließend müssen Sie die SD-Karte wieder in Ihren Raspberry Pi stecken und diesen mit angeschlossenem Bildschirm und Tastatur starten.
  5. Sie müssen in der Konsole nun „mount -o remount,rw /“ und dann „passwd root“ eingeben. Jetzt können Sie ein neues Passwort für den Root-Benutzer festlegen.
  6. Führen Sie abschließend die Befehle „sync“ und „exec /sbin/init“ aus.
  7. Schalten Sie Ihren Raspberry Pi nun aus und entfernen Sie den Zusatz aus Punkt 3. wieder.
  8. Beim erneuten Hochfahren können Sie sich nun mit Ihrem neuen Passwort anmelden.

Sollte eine Fehlermeldung nach dem Muster „Can’t find PARTUUID=xxxxxx“ auftauchen, hat bei mir das folgenden geholfen:

sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/mmcblk0p2 /

Diagnose and resolve spinlock contention on SQL Server

This article provides in-depth information on how to identify and resolve issues related to spinlock contention in SQL Server applications on high-concurrency systems.
In the past, commodity Windows Server computers have utilized only one or two microprocessor/CPU chips, and CPUs have been designed with only a single processor or „core“. Increases in computer processing capacity have been achieved through the use of faster CPUs, made possible largely through advancements in transistor density. Following „Moore’s Law“, transistor density or the number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit have consistently doubled every two years since the development of the first general purpose single chip CPU in 1971. In recent years, the traditional approach of increasing computer processing capacity with faster CPUs has been augmented by building computers with multiple CPUs. As of this writing, the Intel Nehalem CPU architecture accommodates up to eight cores per CPU, which when used in an eight socket system can then be doubled to 128 logical processors through the use of hyper-threading technology. As the number of logical processors on x86 compatible computers increases, concurrency-related issues increase as logical processors compete for resources. This guide describes how to identify and resolve particular resource contention issues observed when running SQL Server applications on high concurrency systems with some workloads.
In this section, we will analyze the lessons learned by the SQLCAT team from diagnosing and resolving spinlock contention issues. Spinlock contention is one type of concurrency issue observed in real customer workloads on high scale systems.

Diagnose and resolve latch contention on SQL Server

This guide describes how to identify and resolve latch contention issues observed when running SQL Server applications on high concurrency systems with certain workloads.
As the number of CPU cores on servers continues to increase, the associated increase in concurrency can introduce contention points on data structures that must be accessed in a serial fashion within the database engine. This is especially true for high throughput/high concurrency transaction processing (OLTP) workloads. There are a number of tools, techniques, and ways to approach these challenges as well as practices that can be followed in designing applications which may help to avoid them altogether. This article will discuss a particular type of contention on data structures that use spinlocks to serialize access to these data structures.