Wer viele Daten ohne Paging mit Lightswitch anzeigen möchte, wird unter gewissen Umständen einen deutlichen Performance Einbruch bemerken:
… And the result was huge performance hit. Screen with 2600 records opened in 30 seconds. At first we thought that slowest part is SQL data retrieval, but when we looked in SQL Profiler, it showed that SQL request took only 1-2 seconds. During window opening there is network activity for approx. 3 seconds, then CPU usage goes up to 50 percent and stays there until screen fully loads. So, we think that the problem is with data serialization/deserialization or rendering.
OK, you could say: If you request so many records, of course, you have to wait a little longer. Okay, I agree. But waiting for screen to load is just one problem, even fully loaded screen with more than 50 records is laggy and scrolling is really slow. …
Im Microsoft eigenen Lightswitch Forum wird das in diesem Thread detailliert diskutiert: Unacceptable performance for more than 50 records.
Kurz zusammen gefasst ist die Ursache das Export to Excel Feature! Diese Funktion steht nur Desktop Anwendungen zur Verfügung. Daher ist auch nur dort der Performance Einbruch zu beobachten. Also einfach mal abschalten wenn es langsam wird!