Uncle Bob – Scribe’s Oath – Um die Ehre des Berufsstandes der Computerprogrammierer zu verteidigen und zu erhalten

Um die Ehre des Berufsstandes der Computerprogrammierer zu verteidigen und zu erhalten.

Uncle Bob – Scribe’s Oath

  1. I will not produce harmful code.
    • I will not intentionally write code with bugs.
    • This means: Do your best.
  2. I will not produce code that’s not my best.
  3. I will provide with each release a quick, testable & repeatable proof that the code works.
  4. I will not avoid release that will impede progress.
    • Short term rapid releases
  5. I will fearlessly and relentlessly improve the quality of code.
    • I will never make the code worse.
  6. I will keep productivity high.
    • I won’t do anything that decreases productivity.
  7. I will continuously ensure others can cover for me and I can cover for them.
  8. I will produce estimates without certainty, and I will not make promises without certainty.
  9. I will never stop learning and improving my craft.